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Video Clips

Each link will open a clip, the size is listed in Megabytes. On a high speed connection like DSL or Road Runner, it only takes a few seconds to download 1 Megabyte. But if you're connecting to the Internet by regular telephone, expect a long wait.

Files are in Windows Media (WMV) with sound, unless otherwise noted. (There may be brief segments of unrelated video at the start and end of the clip due to my lack of fine editing) If the video does not play on your machine, contact me.

Rolling in the grass (1.5 Megabytes, 6/13/2003 - 7 weeks old, 56 sec, no sound)

Janice holding Solomon (1.39 Mb, 49 sec, no sound, 7 weeks old)

June 30th, 2003 with siblings hear Solomon (10 weeks old) bark and see him wrestle with his sister (5.71 Megabytes, 3 min 34 sec.)

Solomon's first day at his new home:

Solomon explores his doghouse (0.45 Mb, 15 sec)

Running towards me when called (0.14 Mb, 4 sec)

Just sitting (isn't he so cute?) (0.45 Mb, 15 sec)

Solomon meets Morris for the first time (1.21 Mb, 44 sec)

Solomon and Morris really meet (1.03 Mb, 37 sec)

Morris watches Solomon (0.47 Mb, 16 sec)

Solomon talks to Morris again (0.83 Mb, 29 sec)

At home alone (DELETED - available by request) (time lapse video 2 sec/30 sec) (20.9 Mb, 12 min 51 sec)

Dinner time (feeding and training) (8.3 Mb, 5 min 6 sec)

Herding (what I think is Solomon showing some herding instincts) (0.94 Mb, 33 sec)

Playing indoors (DELETED - available by request) (with plush sqeak toys. This is kind of boring, but he's so cute) (7.64 Mb, 4 min 41 sec)

Coming when called and getting his tummy rubbed (1 Mb, 35 sec)

Dinner Time2, things get serious (8.7 Mb, 5 min, 21 sec)

Playing with the Alligator from the Brydas (1 Mb, 35 sec)

Yellow Frisbee (0.4 Mb, 15 sec)

Playing with Morris (4.4 Mb, 2 min, 38 sec)

Playing with plastic ball (0.9 Mb, 32 sec)

Running with dogs 1 (2.3 Mb, 1 min 21 sec)

Running with dogs 2 (2.3 Mb, 56 sec)

Running with dogs 3 (0.5 Mb, 17sec)

Carrying Frisbee at the park (0.9 Mb, 30 sec)

More Frisbee at the park (1.34 Mb, 50sec)

Even more Frisbee (he's so damned cute carrying that thing) (1.38 Mb, 50 sec)

Solomon meets farm animals (1.6 Mb, 59 sec)

Chasing a ball at the park (0.7 Mb, 25 sec)