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Home of Andrew Werber and Janice Werber

sunset in Oceanside, 12/24/2011

Picture display method. Works on any device.

In order to view the Deep Zoom pages,use Edge in Internet Explorer mode. You will also need Silverlight. This program may be on your machine already. If it's not click this.

1/26/2025 - Australia 2025.


Animated GIFs

3/24/2024 - Philadelphia Boston 2024.


Animated GIFs

3/24/2024 - Southeast Asia 2024.


Animated GIFs

Georgia and South Carolina, October 2023.

Caribbean cruise 2/25 Deep Zoom pictures.

11/25/2022 - Isreal and Jordan 2022


Animated GIFs

2/26/2022 Tzvi - robot dog

8/19/2021 - IdylWild 2021


3/22/2020 - Memphis and Nashville 2020


10/1/2019 - Galapagos Islands and Machu Picchu



Animated GIFs

2/19/2019 - Cuba 2019

9/18/2018 - European Cruise 2018

5/31/2018 South Dakota 2018

4/15/2018 King Tut, LA 2018

5/12/2018 Oregon trip

12/25/2017 San Diego Zoo - Africa Rocks

9/20/2017 Western US National Parks

Animated GIFs

Picture galleries

Universal Studios 2017

Solar Eclipse 2017

Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcala

9/20/2016 Europe Pictures

7/25/2016 Detroit 2016

1/18/2016 LA 2016 - Getty and Skirball Museums

9/28/2015 NYC and Washington, DC 2015

7/5/2015 Africa (and London) 2015 Comments

3/3/2015 Wild Animal Park, Butterfly Jungle, baby rhino and a few more.

3/3/2015 Wild Animal Park instructional trip with Steve Cirone.

1/21/2015 LA trip in 2 pages, Beverly Hills, and LA.

1/1/2015 San Diego Zoo 1/2015 

11/30/2014 Wild Animal Park 

10/20/2014 Lunar Eclipse A program showing the eclipse (37 MB): slideshow

8/31/2014 Canadian Rockies

Day trip to Joshua Tree National Monument

Winter 2014

10/19/2013 - Salt Lake to Sante Fe Bus and Train trip

9/14/2013 Wild Goose - John Wayne's boat

5/2013 Europe 2013 pictures.

2/18/2013 - Disneyland on Janice's birthday

11/11/2012 - Cape Dog and Deli, Cape Coral, FL

11/11/2012 - Bill Clinton in Fort Myers, FL, 11/2/2012.

10/1/2012 - Obama rally, Las Vegas, NV, 9/30/2012.

9/2012 Santa Fe pictures. Some descriptions of the pictures in the various galleries

8/25/2012 - A place for me to vent on random subjects.

6/30/2012 - Sea World visit on my birthday. Videos: Dolphins, Dogs and cat, Dogs Jump.

4/21/2012 - Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

4/14/2012 - Woodpeckers and a squirrel at the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Preserve

3/24/2012 - Hawaii video and diary of trip.

3/15/2012 - Hawaii. Still pictures are divided up into several pages as listed below.

11/30/2011 - San Diego Zoo

9/8/2011 - Nixon Library

9/5/2011 What's new: All Deep Zoom picture galleries now feature a slide show option! I hope this will make those galleries a more pleasant experience. The pictures do not zoom in as well as I would like, eventually, I'll figure out how to fix that.
(Make sure to scroll or zoom out in the Deep Zoom pages to make sure you see all the pictures)

8/6/2011 - Toronto - New York trip (includes pictures taken by Janice using a lower resolution camera): Mandel Tal wedding and Monday brunch, Toronto, Manhattan (excluding Greenwich Village), Greenwich Village, Brooklyn.

8/6/2011 - Detroit trip: Adam's wedding, Detroit from the boat.

6/13/2011 - Pictures of the new house and the Emerald Heights community. The colors in some of the pictures came out a little messed up because I had my white balance off, and had to correct as best as I could. But, using room lights only for the indoor picures probably also accounts for the odd colors.

6/13/2011 - Getty Museum in Malibu.

6/13/2011 - Escondido Garden Tour.

6/13/2011 - Vegas February 2011.

6/13/2011 - Wild Animal Park.

6/13/2011 - Scripps Aquarium.

5/20/2010 - Carlsbad Flower Fields.

3/23/2010 - Palomar College trip to Anza Borrego Desert, weekend of March 13, 2010..

3/23/2010 - Trip to Vegas to see Marilyn, Feb 2010.

3/23/2010 - Ensenada Mexico, January 26, 2010.

10/31/2009 - CRES Halloween 2009.

10/27/09 - Miramar Air Show using Deep Zoom to display the pictures. There is an issue with the menu drop downs on this page, but the Home link works. Also, there are 54 images, you may need to zoom out a little to see all of them at once.

8/13/09 - CRES Picnic pictures.

8/09/09 - Alaska! Finally finished going through all 5500 (est) pictures and picked out the best to display. View pictures..

7/5/09 - For my birthday, I went on a photo tour with Steve Cirone. Check out the pictures here.

6/21/09 - New car.

5/22/09 - New pictures of the house. There will be more after we get new mirrors for the master bathroom.

4/11/09 - For Solomon's upcoming 6th birthday, new pictures

3/10-4/09 - Pictures from our trip to Fort Myers (edit 3 in URL to change interval between pictures) the 2nd week of February, and Vegas. If you view a large version of a picture, there's no link back to this home page. I apologize for this, but my own picture display control is not that good (yet), so I'm using a generator that does not work really well with this site. Eventually, I'll get this all fixed.

9/24/08 - News and Weather from our tour of NBC studios in July 08 View video DELETED. You have to sit through the news first until I get a program to edit the video. And NBC added that dumb music. The original file is in VOB format, if anybody knows how to edit out the music, please contact me and let me know how to do that.

One obvious improvement is the consistent menus. Thanks to the Master pages of ASPNET 2.0.

I also made my own home-made control for displaying pictures. It's in use on the newer pages.